At enCircle, our shared mission is to make the world a more loving place. We hold ourselves to six Guiding Principles, including our commitment to Social Justice. We believe in the value of ALL people – all races, religions, abilities, and identities.

We are deeply disturbed by the rise in anti-Asian speech and behavior in our country during the COVID-19 pandemic, most recently manifested in the horrific killings of eight people this week in Atlanta, including six Asian women. While the rise in hate crimes against Asian-Americans has worsened because of the pandemic, we know it is layered on top of a traumatic history of past discrimination in many Asian-American communities. We grieve with the victims’ families and with our Asian-American colleagues and neighbors.

The impact of violent hate crimes lands more deeply on the groups of people who are targeted, but hatred, bigotry, and injustice in our communities affect all of us. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, and each of us has a critical role to play in making the world a more loving place.

At enCircle, we added a staff position to help us address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) both internally and externally. “We cannot become comfortable with hate. EnCircle stands in solidarity against anti-Asian violence and xenophobia,” said Maurice Gallimore, our Director of DEI.

We know we cannot create peaceful and welcoming communities if we do not value and honor the diversity of all people. Please join us in recommitting to the mission of making the world a more loving place.