Minnick Schools
Referral & application process
How to refer a student to Minnick
Minnick Schools welcome students who are referred by public school staff to grow and thrive in our classrooms. All students at Minnick Schools have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and are referred by the child’s IEP Committee for a private, special education day placement. Here’s how the process works:
- With the consent of the parents or legal guardians, a staff member from the child’s home school division sets up a time for the family and child to tour a Minnick School.
- A school division representative completes the Minnick application for enrollment.
- Minnick School staff decide if enrollment is appropriate after the family visit to the school and a review of the application packet.
- The Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT) receives documentation that Minnick is the location of enrollment. The FAPT is responsible for approving and funding the placement through Children’s Services Act (CSA) funds. Families do not pay for the placement.
- If the student is enrolled, it is the responsibility of the sending school district to complete all remaining paperwork relevant to the student’s enrollment.
Public school staff should email the school of choice and attach the completed application form, and must have a signed release to discuss a student with our staff. If you’re unsure about your school selection, please email the form to info@enCircleAll.org. Requests for information may be made by calling the Minnick School that serves your location between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Minnick School, Roanoke General Program – rbays@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Roanoke Adapted Program - cconner@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Harrisonburg Campus – aciccone@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Wytheville General Program – jane.hall@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Wytheville Adapted Program – vmartin@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Wise General Program – kclark@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Wise Adapted Program – kclark@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Bristol Campus – rdye@enCircleAll.org
- Minnick School, Grundy Campis - mskeens@enCircleall.org
- Minnick School, Lynchburg - bwray@enCircleAll.org
Can I refer my child directly to Minnick Schools?
No. All referrals must be submitted in conjunction with a staff member from the home school division and approved by the local FAPT.
Who pays for tuition at Minnick Schools?
The FAPT team is responsible for funding the placement through Children’s Services Act funds. Families do not pay for tuition. Minnick Schools do not accept private pay and will not take referrals for enrollment directly from parents/guardians.
How will my child get to a Minnick School once enrolled?
Transportation will be provided by the public school district where the child lives.
Make a referral
Public school staff should complete the application form and email it to school of choice from the list above. If you’re unsure about your school selection, please email the form to info@enCircleAll.org.