We're hiring! We're looking for compassionate, patient members of our community with a desire to support students beyond academic learning. Apply now! >>
Immigrant children deserve to thrive EnCircle expects to serve a growing number of unaccompanied youth through our Immigration and Refugee Services program. You can help by donating! >>
Schedule an appointment Our counselors offer in-person and virtual appointments. Get started here! >>
Our services are growing! EnCircle is tackling some of your community’s greatest challenges. Your gift fuels our shared mission. >>
Celebrating our new group home in Northern Virginia! We recently opened our newest group home for people with disabilities in partnership with Arlington County. Learn more here! >>
Supporting People with Disabilities Bedford Community Health Foundation Grant Brings New Meals To Group Homes January 28th, 2019
Foster Care and Adoption Preventing Compassion Fatigue In Foster And Adoptive Parents Through Therapeutic Support And Self-care January 21st, 2019